Tina Beveridge, Ph.D.
Tina Beveridge, Ph.D.
Tina Beveridge is an Assistant Professor and Director of Undergraduate Music Education at the Dewberry School of Music (George Mason University) in Fairfax, Virginia. Dr. Beveridge has twenty years of music teaching experience in Seattle and Chicago Public Schools as well as rural and suburban districts near Portland, Oregon.
A specialist in choral music, she has taught music at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, as well as the community college and university levels. Early experience working in urban settings has directed her philosophy and research in educational policy issues, which she has published in journals such as Arts Education Policy Review and Update: Applications of Research in Music Education.
She is currently on the advisory board for Teaching Music magazine, and has served as a reviewer for Oxford University Press , Society for Research in Music Education, and the Mason division for the Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence (ARIE) initiative grants. In early 2024, Dr. Beveridge was also appointed to the editorial board for the international journal Arts Education Policy Review.
Dr. Beveridge was awarded the Ph.D. in Music Education in August 2022 from the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami, where she taught vocal/choral methods classes, and supervised student teacher interns. She earned a Master of Music degree in Music Education from Northwestern University in 2009 and a Bachelor of Arts degree with a concentration in Music Education from Seattle Pacific University in 2002.

Selected Publications
Beveridge, T. (2022). Avoiding cultural appropriation in the music classroom. Music Educators Journal, 108(1), 60-62. https://doi.org/10.1177/00274321221126222
Beveridge, T. (2021). Does music education have a poverty problem? Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, 40(2), 10-18. https://doi.org/10.1177/87551233211036069
Beveridge, T. (2021). A tale of two cities: Advocacy and funding lessons from Seattle and Portland, Oregon. Arts Education Policy Review https://doi.org/10.1080/10632913.2021.1974995 .
Beveridge, T. (2010). No Child Left Behind and fine arts classes. Arts Education Policy Review (111)1, 4-7. https://doi.org/10.1080/10632910903228090

Classes as Primary Instructor
MUSI 114 Aural Skills II (GMU)
MUS 140 Choir (LCC)
MUSC 140 College Choir (SSC)
MUSC 109 World Beat: Trad. and Contp. World Music (SSC)
MUSC 117 Rock Music II (SSC)
MED 244 Vocal Techniques (UM)
MUSI 370 Laboratory Ensemble (GMU)
MUSI 393 Admin. and Management (GMU)
MUSI 461 Elementary General Music Methods (GMU)
MUSI 463 Secondary Choral Music Methods (GMU)
MUSI 495 Music Education Internship (GMU)
MED 549 Teaching Secondary Vocal Music (UM)
MED 433 Seminar for Teaching Associates (UM)
MUSI 611 Psychology of Music Teaching and Learning (GMU)
MUSI 760 Seminar: Politics and Music Education (GMU)
Professional Affiliations
National Association for Music Education
Washington Music Educators Association
Florida Music Educators Association
Florida Vocal Association
Virginia Music Educators Association
American Choral Directors Association
College Music Society
American Psychological Association Division 10
Inquiry Form
Inquiry Form